Robert Douglas

Robert, dad to 2 boys and entrepreneur, promotes authenticity and an unfiltered family life - including from a black perspective, humorous takes on fatherhood and thoughtful insights.

Robert is really big on empowering children and nurturing joy as well as inspiring others, championing anti-racism and promoting positive action for communities in need. With a blend of humour, empathy, and practical advice, Robert has cultivated a loyal community of fellow parents who turn to him for guidance, support, and a healthy dose of laughter.

His love for fashion is another big component of his feed. His page is a daily inspiration for those who crave the perfect balance between comfort and style.

Throughout his career as content creator, Robert has worked with the likes of Sky TV, NatGeo, Sony Pictures and Amazon Fashion to only name a few.




Rosie Fawehimi


Sharlene Sheare